

Fairness and Transparency​

Ethics and integrity are core principles at EBR. We understand that it is our duty to society to maintain high legal and moral standards, and work in a fair and transparent manner.

We have a Compliance Program, designed in a customized way and which is now in a mature stage. This program includes a Code of Conduct, which guides the internal performance of our teams and the different audiences with which we relate, in addition to a set of policies, procedures, training, monitoring and external audit. In the program, we make clear what we expect from our relationships and what we do not tolerate.

Our hotline is operated by a third party company, thus ensuring independence and anonymity in regard to receiving, registering and investigating any reports.

Read the EBR Compliance and Anti-bribery Policy and understand more about our Compliance structure.

ISO 37001 - Anti-Bribery Management System

EBR is ISO 37001 certified, which attests to the quality of our Compliance and Anti-Bribery Management System. We internally developed a system that is used daily by the team responsible for managing the Program in all its structures, pillars, with KPIs and other key indicators for EBR to achieve this certification. This is the result of serious work carried out over years, which today is crowned with the ISO 37001 certification.

Code of Conduct

In line with the Organizational Strategy and its Corporate Philosophy, Estaleiros do Brasil’s Code of Conduct promotes and suggests the ethical manner in which the organization and its professionals should conduct their actions, ensuring corporate integrity and sustainable growth for the company.

The EBR Code of Conduct must be enforced by its staff and should serve as a reference for the company’s partners.

Estaleiros do Brasil encourages its Code of Conduct to be more than informative; rather, it should inspire relationships that are honest, transparent, impartial and mutually respectful of the practices carried out by its professionals, third parties and suppliers.

In addition, EBR has an Ethics Channel to receive complaints on activities and behaviors that are not in accordance with the Code of Conduct, Compliance and other policies and procedures of the organization.

Impartial and transparent, the Ethics Channel assures confidentiality and, if so desired, the anonymity of the identity of the people involved.

Read the Estaleiros do Brasil Code of Conduct in its entirety and use it as a reference in your daily contact with our company.

Standard of Conduct for Suppliers​

The Standard of Conduct for Suppliers of Estaleiros do Brasil (EBR) is a guide for Suppliers on the proper relationship, attitude and conduct for the establishment of a healthy, sustainable and transparent partnership.  Our organization has established a corporate policy that is compliant with national and international laws, regulations, standards, where applicable, in addition to following the highest standards of business and professional ethics.

EBR believes that establishing partnerships with its Suppliers is essential; therefore, it understands that its values, principles and Policies reflect high moral and ethical standards that are crucial in order to preserve the image of the company and its Suppliers.

This Standard of Conduct must be understood and respected by all of our Suppliers in all areas where the organization operates.

Ethics Channel​

Estaleiros do Brasil has an exclusive Ethics Channel for the secure communication of complaints involving violations of conduct and unethical principles that violate our Code of Conduct or current legislation. The Estaleiros do Brasil Ethics Channel is handled by an independent and specialized company, in which each situation is dealt with properly and with the utmost secrecy, without any conflicts of interest. Complaints can be submitted online or by telephone. The Ethics Channel service is operational 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. Your call will not be traced and, should you so choose, you can remain anonymous and not identify yourself.

Call: 0800 721 5951
Or access: www.canalconfidencial.com.br/ebr

How to talk about Personal Data?

DPO (Encarregado de Dados) – Marina Ludovico Bruno
E-mail for contact: lgpd@ebrbrasil.com

Click here to see our  Privacy Policy

Estaleiro do Brasil LTDA.

São José do Norte
Estrada pública, S/n – Bairro Cocuruto
Cep: 96225-000 | São José do Norte – RS
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